Call for papers
The program committee solicits the submission of original research papers dealing with theoretical and applicative aspects of collaboration. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Academic and Scientific Networks
- Applications of advanced methods in Demography, Sociology, Business, Economics, and Political Cciences.
- Innovation and Diffusion Networks
- Inter-organizational Networks
- Knowledge Networks
- Network mechanisms and Network evolution
- Network Visualisation
- Qualitative Network Studies
Paper submission is now open.
Authors who wish to submit a contributed paper should send a tentative title by February 13, 2011 by filling in the online form. An abstract should be submitted by April 18, 2011 following the online procedure. Full details about the abstract submission process can be found here. The abstract should be at most 2500 characters long. Acceptance will be notified to the authors by May 15, 2011.